Every day is taco ipsum tuesday. CARNE ASADA!! It’s long been rumored that the chupacabra is really just a crazed man who’s local taco shop went out of business. Ooh, with diced onions and a pinch of cilantro. Tacos al pastor made with adobada meat. Um, Tabasco? No thanks, do you have any Cholula? Shrimp tacos are tasty tacos! CARNE ASADA!! Yeah, apparently the taco shack was robbed. They left the money but took the tacos. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. Does guac cost extra?

Every day is taco ipsum tuesday. CARNE ASADA!! It’s long been rumored that the chupacabra is really just a crazed man who’s local taco shop went out of business. Ooh, with diced onions and a pinch of cilantro. Tacos al pastor made with adobada meat. Um, Tabasco? No thanks, do you have any Cholula? Shrimp tacos are tasty tacos! CARNE ASADA!! Yeah, apparently the taco shack was robbed. They left the money but took the tacos. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. Does guac cost extra?

Every day is taco ipsum tuesday. CARNE ASADA!! It’s long been rumored that the chupacabra is really just a crazed man who’s local taco shop went out of business. Ooh, with diced onions and a pinch of cilantro. Tacos al pastor made with adobada meat. Um, Tabasco? No thanks, do you have any Cholula? Shrimp tacos are tasty tacos! CARNE ASADA!! Yeah, apparently the taco shack was robbed. They left the money but took the tacos. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. It’s taco Tuesday Monday. Does guac cost extra?

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